From email marketing platforms to meter service providers, you potentially have hundreds of suppliers forming part of the services you deliver. The majority of those suppliers are likely to be data processors, meaning they process customer data on your behalf.
It is essential for all organisations to ensure that their suppliers are working to the legal and contractual standard required to help protect them from regulatory, legal, contractual, reputational and commercial risks.
Carrying out periodic audits or due diligence checks on suppliers is an effective way to manage these risks and show that the organisation is taking appropriate steps to ensure compliance through its supply chain.
DQM GRC offers a range of supply chain compliance solutions, from desktop assessments to full on-site audits, covering the following areas:
- Compliance with contractual obligations including data processor agreements.
- Compliance with wider GDPR and relevant data protection legislation requirements.
- Ensuring the supplier/processor has appropriate information security controls in place.
- A consideration of other requirements, for example does the supplier have policies and controls in place in areas such as bribery and corruption prevention, competition law compliance and health and safety management.
Having a robust way to monitor risks in your supply chain and take appropriate remedial action will help protect your organisation from compliance and regulatory risks. It is about protecting one of your most important assets, your customers’ data, and ensuring your supply chain is operating in the best way possible for you.
Find out more or contact us.