Our data seeding service gives organisations the ability to track the use of their data set, so they can pinpoint data leaks and prevent data breaches. It offers organisations solid proof that data is or isn’t theirs, proving very useful should they be involved in a data breach.

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Service benefits

  1. 1.Prove that a data set is or isn’t yours
    Our innovative service ensures effortless tracking of your customer data, providing you with comprehensive insights into its use.
  2. 2.Future-proof your database
    Our seeds are generally in place long term, so you can follow customer journeys, or track breaches and leaks.
  3. 3.Pinpoint data leaks
    By using unique seeds for each supplier, you can prove it was or wasn’t your data and through which supplier it may have been leaked.

Find out how our data seeding service can work for you

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Real-world examples

A recruitment company used our service to track use of its candidate database. The organisation discovered a breach when candidates received information about jobs it had not advertised. High Court action resulted in the perpetrator receiving a suspended prison sentence, a restraining order and a substantial fine. The seeds we put into the customer’s database enabled it to prove the data was originally its own.

In another example, B2B database marketing company Data HQ was able to recover lost income when its data seeding identified that a licensee had used the data set multiple times outside the permitted trial period. Data HQ could prove this when the unique seed records embedded in its data order revealed unexpected returns.

How is data seeding used for proof of ownership?

  1. 1.We will generate dummy profiles to insert into your database. You may use different profiles for each supplier that you share data with.
  2. 2.We will monitor the communication received and report back to you, so you are aware of any unexpected contact.
  3. 3.We can also support with remediation or audits if you suspect an issue with your own data protection compliance or that of your supplier.
  4. 4.Should your seeds receive an unexpected contact, we will supply evidence for you to take a complaint forward.

Get started today

Contact our team to discuss how data seeding could help you prove ownership of your data.